Looking out into 2014 it feels like we have indeed stepped into a new landscape - everything appears the same and yet it has undoubtedly changed.
Time seems to move within a different rhythm, impossible to measure in the old way - for there is no substance to the length or span of time.
It is now all but nine months ago since I last wrote anything on this blog. That nine months feels an eternity on one level and yet, on another, no time seems to have passed at all - like Alice in Wonderland we seem to be moving through different realities.
2013 seems to have been a time of restructuring, restoring and realigning - it feels as if it has been a time of fertility - a fusing of energy right into our DNA - a time when much has been shape shifting in the deepest depths of our Being.
Indeed it has felt like a pregnancy, or at least a pregnant pause - awaiting a time to birth the gifts of this gestational time of reflection before stepping once more into the world with new insights and awareness.
There has been a sense of emptiness, spaciousness, timelessness - as if we are being reborn - reborn into a Universe that has subtly changed - or perhaps, more accurately, in which we have changed fundamentally at our very core.
Later on in the Spring, on April 21st, we will have the first of the two Uranus Pluto squares taking place this year when once again, this on going cycle of these two transpersonal planets will continue to encourage us all to step free of past subconscious patterning - to free ourselves from ancestral karma - and to remember who we truly are.
I listened to this message from Kryon today who speaks so eloquently and beautifully about our pathway in 2014 and I ask you too to listen and allow the resonance to inspire your steps into this New Year.
Later on in the Spring, on April 21st, we will have the first of the two Uranus Pluto squares taking place this year when once again, this on going cycle of these two transpersonal planets will continue to encourage us all to step free of past subconscious patterning - to free ourselves from ancestral karma - and to remember who we truly are.
I listened to this message from Kryon today who speaks so eloquently and beautifully about our pathway in 2014 and I ask you too to listen and allow the resonance to inspire your steps into this New Year.
The waiting is over - now is the time for Being all that we can Be.
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