Upcoming Journeys

L I V I N G  I N  T H E  L I G H T

’We think we exist as individuals, whereas in fact we are quantum patterns in an ever-changing web of energy
Richard Rudd
An Inner and Outer Journey
in Southern France
15th May - 26th May 2020

Discover how to connect with and re-write your DNA Blueprint
Unite with your Higher Purpose
Become Co-Creative with the Universe

Small Groups Maximum 8

30 Hours of 'In House In Depth' Study and Insight on the Gene Keys
Plus we journey and stay within the beautiful Cathar Region
visiting Carcassonne, Montsegur, Queribus, Rennes le Chateau,
Minerve, Arles and Saintes Maries de la Mer


For more information:
email sueastrolight33@gmail.com or phone 07894 803995