Cosmic Overview
Capricorn New Moon 2021
Anger is fear in disguise.
In all chaos there is Cosmos
In all disorder there is a secret order.
Carl Jung
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Sagittarius New Moon
Everything turns in circles and spirals
with the Cosmic Heart Circles of Life
Born from the Pulses of Life.
Suzy Kassem
Scorpio New Moon
What matters most is how well you
walk through the fire.
Charles Bukowski
Libra New Moon
Rhythm and Harmony find their way into the innermost places of the Soul.
Virgo New Moon
World Peace begins with Inner Peace
Dalai Lama
Leo New Moon
When the power of Love overcomes the love of Power
Then the World will know Peace.
Jimi Hendrix
8:8 Lion’s Gate
Truth and Justice are above and beyond everything for the greatness of Nations depends upon them.
Emile Zola
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