Cosmic Overview
The Lion’s Gate 2021
'Even the Bravest of Creatures have some fear, but it is not enough to stop them moving on the Path they were destined to walk upon.'
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Cosmic Overview
Taurean New Moon 2021
‘Look at a tree, a flower, a plant. Let your awareness rest upon it.
How still they are, how deeply rooted in Being.
Allow Nature to teach you Stillness.’
Eckhart Tolle
can hear the footsteps of God when Silence reigns in the mind.’
Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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Cosmic Overview
Aries New Moon 2021
‘In Detachment lies the Wisdom of uncertainty
and in our willingness to step into the unknown,
the field of all p0ssibilites, we surrender ourselves to the Creative Mind that orchestrates the Dance of the Universe.’
Deepak Chopra
Cosmic Overview
Aquarian New Moon 2021