Today, 14th March, we are all being bathed in a Cosmic alignment that is both healing and empowering. There are times in the Universal flow of Time when our Group Consciousness is being scanned and recorded - although this goes on all the time, some moments in time can more clearly show the state of Humanity's Group Awareness.
The energy that flows from Source is pure potential, however as it has flowed down through the Solar System over eons of time, into our own chakra systems, each of us has imbued the Energy with our own emotional and mental belief patterns, eventually clouding the pristine clarity and purity of the energy's highest potential.
The Energy that is bringing through this resonance down into our subtle bodies and auric system, today, is the aligning of Pluto Mars Venus Jupiter and Chiron held in the form of a Grand Trine/Kite within a Fixed Square.
Here is the chart of energetic Light Consciousness that will be pulsing through our Solar System - the red lines are the fixed saure and the blue the Grand Trine.
Simply put, the Grand Trine is encouraging and imbuing our personal wills/egos (Mars) to be aligned with Higher Divine Will (Pluto) and fused with the expansiveness of our Hearts (Jupiter Venus) so that we might act as conduits for true healing to occure (Neptune Chiron), not just individually, but within the Group Consciousness as a whole.
The Fixed Square links the Moon, North Node Juno to Mars SouthNode Neptune Chiron and Pallas Athena.
Again simply put, this moment in time is when our Group unconsciousnees, via the Moon, is being assessed. Each of us has the potential to assist the Group unconsciousness, through the next days, as the Moon passes through this planetry alignment, via the clarity of our own Being.
The North South Nodal Points , which are part of this planetary alignment link to a spiritual/karmic moment in time.
The degree image for the Moon, at 5.50 GMT this morning, when the alignment of Venus and Jupiter became exact, is the 'Great Pyramid and Sphinx'. From Dane Rudhyar's book this image has to do with the enduring power of occult knowledge...and of Seed-Men of a previous cycle of existence. This degree points to the greatness of a Soul's past achievements and the value of the 'Power of Spiritual Ancestry' The Great Pyramid and the Sphinx are witnesses to a Tradition and it implies that such a solid foundation is necessary, as new evolutionary developments are unfolding.
So steadiness and Centredness are the watchwords here.
Juno relates to the Sacred Marriage, to the internal balance of the Male and Female, the Yin and Yang within each individual, the Sacred Alchemy of blending opposites - this degree is asking for 'Emotional Rebirth' - a time to blend and expand our love to a level that is unconditional - seeing the Divine within our selves and others - in this way we raise the vibrational frequency of all.
Looking at 10 degrees Pisces, where Pallas Athena is - the degree image is 'Men Traveling a Narrow Path Seeking Illumination', This degree refers to the ancient and eternal symbol of the Path of Initiation. The greatness of man is that he can always be greater and the belief - deeply rooted in our inner nature - that if we fulfil the necessary conditions we will attain our higher selves, asisted by our 'Elder Brothers and Sisters'. As Dane Rudhyar says - the Path is always open to the pure in heart, the mentally aware, the conqueror of emotions and the spiritually self mobilized. The key word of this image is the Zen statement of 'Walk On'
Finally, Mars is at 9 Virgo and is the pivotal point for both the Grand Trine and the Grand Cross. The image of 9 Virgo is 'Two Heads Looking out and Beyond the Shadows' - which refers to the growth of consciousness, born out of the transcendence of duality, even while immersed in the world of duality. We are being asked to jump beyond the shadow that our mind casts upon all experiences.
At this point in time as we are transitting into a new level of Consciousness - one beyond Duality - and many blockages, sudden reversals are coming up to be cleared and cleansed - it is a time of great purification for many Souls - if we can see all that occurs as a necessary and positive realignment, then we can hold a steady foundation for this next evolutionary process that is unfolding through us all.
Indeed we do need to keep on 'Walking On' holding our dreams and knowingness in our hearts as 'Seed Men' - for this is the time to plant our Seeds of Vision Peace and Love and watch them grow through the upcoming months assisting the Group Consciousness to grow and to Flower.